Senatobia Presbyterian Church with logo
Senatobia Presbyterian Church with logo
Senatobia Presbyterian Church
Senatobia Presbyterian Church

Sunday Schedule

We gather for morning worship service at 11:00 AM each Sunday in the sanctuary and online. Masks are optional for all in-person meetings. Free masks are available at the side and front entrances for those who feel safer wearing one.
Check out our YouTube channel.
Our order of worship normally consists of:
  • Assembling in God's Name
    • (opening prayer, hymn and prayer of adoration)
  • Confession of Sin
    • (prayer of confession, silent confession, declaration of forgiveness, hymn of praise)
  • Proclaiming of God's Word
    • (anthem, prayer for illumination, hearing of God's word, sermon).
  • Response to God's Word
    • (responsive hymn, affirmation of faith, presentation of offerings, prayer of dedication, closing hymn, benediction)
Office Hours


Office Manager: 
Pastor: Frank Beck 
9:00 AM to 4:30 PM ( Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays)
2:00 PM to 4:30 PM (Wednesdays)

Organist: Margaret Rogers

Presbyterian Women Moderator:

Church Treasurer: Buford Givens

Weekday Schedule


Worship 11:00am      

Sunday Afternoon Class 5:00pm



A.A. 7:00pm in the new Fellowship Hall

Session- meets 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6pm in the Annex.



Choir Rehearsal will return in the fall at 4:00pm in the Sanctuary

Contact Us Today!

431 W Main Street

Senatobia, Mississippi 38668

Phone: 662-562-8743 662-562-8743
