We gather for morning worship service at 11:00 AM
each Sunday in the sanctuary and online. Masks are optional for all in-person meetings. Free masks are available at the side and front entrances for those who feel safer wearing
Our order of worship normally consists of:
- Assembling in God's Name
- (opening prayer, hymn and prayer of adoration)
- Confession of Sin
- (prayer of confession, silent confession, declaration of forgiveness, hymn of praise)
- Proclaiming of God's Word
- (anthem, prayer for illumination, hearing of God's word, sermon).
- Response to God's Word
- (responsive hymn, affirmation of faith, presentation of offerings, prayer of dedication, closing hymn, benediction)
Office Hours
Office Manager:
Pastor: Frank Beck
9:00 AM to 4:30 PM ( Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays)
2:00 PM to 4:30 PM (Wednesdays)
Organist: Margaret Rogers
Presbyterian Women Moderator:
Church Treasurer: Buford Givens
Worship 11:00am
Sunday Afternoon Class 5:00pm
A.A. 7:00pm in the new Fellowship Hall
Session- meets 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6pm in the Annex.
Choir Rehearsal will return in the fall at 4:00pm in the Sanctuary